Friday 2 November 2012

Experiment 2_Final Submission

My approach to this assignment:

I wanted to create an environment where there were no devastating natural disasters, but rather human caused devastation. This damage would then be completely overrun by nature and the passage of time, hiding most of the damage caused before the end of human life. The vegetation is lush and grows close to the remaining buildings, seeping through their walls.

5 Images of my Environment:

180 second max Video:

Link to .zip files:


3DS max model and custom textures are in the ./game/objects/RUDINHOUSE folder.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Week 6 Tasks

The final model with textures applied. Destroyed some more sections of the interior and tilted parts of the roof support.

When I tried to export it into cryengine, there were some issues with extra faces, but the biggest problem came from the stairs. This is probably because I used the ones that the model came with and so they were still in sketchup format. I got around this by just making my own stairs from scratch.

Week 5 Tasks

More Progress with my 3DS model.
I took away some of the roof supports because there were too many on the model and I also broke a few more the windows.
Also broke off part of the first floor and destroyed more of the interior walls.

Below is a montage of the textures I plan to use for my final model

Week 4 Tasks

Trailer Inspirations





Week 3 _ Independent Task

Progress of my 3DS max model

I want to keep most of the exterior walls intact since my 'disaster' is caused by humans, with time causing the rest of the damage.