Friday 2 November 2012

Experiment 2_Final Submission

My approach to this assignment:

I wanted to create an environment where there were no devastating natural disasters, but rather human caused devastation. This damage would then be completely overrun by nature and the passage of time, hiding most of the damage caused before the end of human life. The vegetation is lush and grows close to the remaining buildings, seeping through their walls.

5 Images of my Environment:

180 second max Video:

Link to .zip files:


3DS max model and custom textures are in the ./game/objects/RUDINHOUSE folder.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Week 6 Tasks

The final model with textures applied. Destroyed some more sections of the interior and tilted parts of the roof support.

When I tried to export it into cryengine, there were some issues with extra faces, but the biggest problem came from the stairs. This is probably because I used the ones that the model came with and so they were still in sketchup format. I got around this by just making my own stairs from scratch.

Week 5 Tasks

More Progress with my 3DS model.
I took away some of the roof supports because there were too many on the model and I also broke a few more the windows.
Also broke off part of the first floor and destroyed more of the interior walls.

Below is a montage of the textures I plan to use for my final model

Week 4 Tasks

Trailer Inspirations





Week 3 _ Independent Task

Progress of my 3DS max model

I want to keep most of the exterior walls intact since my 'disaster' is caused by humans, with time causing the rest of the damage.

Monday 1 October 2012

Week 03 Task

Here is the sketch of how my chosen building might decay after the end of human life. For my choice of disaster, I was thinking about violent storms or a war. If I were to choose the storm, I would model my building in a way that looks chaotic with pieces of the building strewn about the landscape.
If I choose the war, I'd try to keep the building slightly more contained with traces of the war still there (e.g. bullet marks in the walls).
Here are the reference images I used for these sketches.

These images were taken from Fallout 3 and Enslaved. Both of them are video games that deal with post-apocalytic environments in different ways.

Monday 24 September 2012

Experiment 2_Week 02 Independent Task

Material Research:

Aluminium Alloys: Aluminium is a plentiful metallic element. When combined with oxygen and hydrogen it forms bauxite (the ore which is most commonly used to mine for aluminium). It is a strong metal, but also lightweight thus it is commonly used.
Aluminium is extracted in three stages - mining of the bauxite ore, refining the ore to recover alumina and smelting alumina to produce aluminium.
It is a good conductor of electricity and very resistant to atmospheric corrosion. It is commonly used in construction of domestic and industrial products such as cars, ships and aircrafts.

Flat Glass: This is glass produced in plane form to allow for easy use as windows, doors, transparent walls and car windshields.
The most common method for producing this glass is the float glass method. This method produces sheets with uniform thickness and almost no bends.
Glass is a rather fragile material that can easily be shattered by a strong impact. Being a transparent material, it allows light through into structures.

Concrete: Concrete consists primarily of aggregate, cement, and water (although this can vary depending on specifications). Concrete is used in many architectural structures, foundations, bridges/overpasses, roads and dams.
Despite its wide use, concrete does have a some structural disadvantages. It lacks tensile strength and usually requires steel reinforcement and it can also be damaged by many processes such as freezing and trapped water. It does however, have a high compressive strength. The process of producing concrete is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, however it can be recycled and reused. Its high thermal mass and low permeability make it ideal for an energy efficient house.
Concrete will shrink with time and it will be subject to cracks and will also degrade when exposed to environmental effects.

Experiment 2_Week02 Task

Here are the before and after images showing my specular and bump maps applied.



In truth, I couldn't really see a difference after I applied the bump/specular maps but that might have just been my choice of material. The images above are to show that I actually applied the maps to the materials.

As for my building, I have chosen to model the Rudin House.

Monday 17 September 2012

Week 01_Independent Task

Here is the test model I exported into Cryengine for the Independent Task.

Observations of the three buildings:

Barcelona Pavilion:
 The Barcelona Pavilion appears to use very obscure materials in its construction.There is a lot of tinted glass used as well as translucent glass. There is also a lot of stone materials like onyx used. There is a grid-like structure to it and the steel columns conform to a regular grid.

House at Bordeaux:

 This house is very unique as there is a lot of technology implemented into its design. There is also lots of contrasting materials used such as cement, glass and aluminum. There is a lift inside the house that moves between the levels.

Rudin House

Despite its use of concrete, the construction of the building makes it appear as though the building were floating. The entrance to the house is place beneath it up a set of stairs. The house is also symmetrical length-wise. The floating platform is also a structural element as it creates an overhang that catches rain water.

Week 01_Task 1

Here are the screenshots of my exported models and materials from 3DS into Cryengine. The three materials I created are based off wood, rusted metal and quartz.

Extract from the Barcelona Pavillion
Same as above

Monday 10 September 2012

Experiment 1_Submission_Part 2

Link to the level folder stored at gamefront

Experiment 1_Submission_Part 1

For my letter/number combination, I wanted it to appear as natural as possible and have it integrated with the landscape. With that in mind, I used objects that I placed into the level to create these combinations and also relied on the shape of the island.

music: "Earth" from the Assassin's Creed II Official Soundtrack
composed by: Jesper Kyd
source: my own copy of the CD

Monday 13 August 2012

Week 04 Independent Task

Here is a video and a screenshot of the waterfall I placed on my island. The video shows the rain in action.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Week 4 - Before and After Skybox Images

Here are before and after shots using the skybox feature

Week 03 - Independent Task

Here is a youtube video navigating between two of my picturesque scenes

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Monday 6 August 2012

Week 03 - Images recreated in Cryengine

Here are areas within my island that I created based off my reference images

Based off West Lake, Hangzhou

Based off Humphry Repton

Based off Claude Lorrain

Based off William Gilpin

Monday 30 July 2012

Week 03 - Reference Images

 Here are 6 images of works by the landscape painters/landscape architects/ architects listed on the task.

Humphry Repton
West Lake, Hangzhou

Claude Lorrain

Capability Brown

William Gilpin

JMW Turner